
Sr. Joan Bowles Youth Awards

Celebrating Leadership & Volunteering

As part of its 50th anniversary celebrations, Limerick Youth Service is delighted to launch the inaugural Sr. Joan Bowles Youth Awards.

Named in honour of the founder of Limerick Youth Service, Sr. Joan Bowles, the awards will celebrate the contribution of young people to their local youth clubs, projects, groups and community.

Who is Eligible?

Young people who are participating with Limerick Youth Service or its affiliated volunteer led youth clubs.

What is the Criteria?

There are many examples of young people’s participation and volunteering such as:

  • Supporting younger members and volunteers with their youth clubs and groups.
  • Organising event e.g. Youth Exchanges, Concerts, Summer programmes etc.
  • Being an active member of a Youth Committee, Youth Advisory Group etc
  • Assisting students with after school activities such as afterschool & homework clubs.
  • Creating and promoting awareness campaigns e.g. anti-smoking and wellbeing events.

How Can I Nominate a Young Person?

Candidates can be nominated by Limerick Youth Service staff and volunteers with our affiliated youth clubs.  Nomination forms are available below:

Sr Joan Bowles Youth Awards 2023 (pdf)

Online Nomination Form

Contact Information

For further information, please contact the LYS Youth Information Centre at:

Email:          Tel: 061-412444/083-1726898