This October Eurodesk, the Europe-wide information network for young people, will run its Time To Move campaign which promotes the studying, volunteering and employment opportunities available to young people across the continent.
This year’s campaign will focus on young people, especially those with fewer opportunities such as young people who are unemployed or those that have left school early.
As part of the initiative the Eurodesk Ireland Network will hold an information workshop for those who work with young at the Ballykisteen Hotel, Limerick Junction, Co. Tipperary on Tuesday, October 9th (12:30-3:30pm).
The information session will include a number of speakers who will share the benefits of travelling, studying, volunteering and/or working overseas.
Among the speakers will be former participants on Erasmus+ student exchange programme, and the European Solidarity Corps while business professionals will speak of the career benefits of spending time overseas.
Young people from Limerick Youth Service got to meet Prancer, Dancer & Comet while on an Erasmus+ Youth Exchange
This event is suitable for those who work with or support young people such as youth information officers, advocates, guidance councellors, youth and community workers.
The Time To Move event is being organised by the Eurodesk Ireland Network, which includes Limerick Youth Service, Youth Work Ireland Tipperary, Waterford & South Tipperary Community Youth Service and the National Centre for Guidance Counsellors.
Eurodesk is a network of youth information professionals that provides free information on opportunities-such as travelling, working, studying and volunteering in Europe.
Limerick Youth Service, Youth Work Ireland Tipperary, Waterford & South Tipperary Community Youth Service are members of Youth Work Ireland.
The National Centre for Guidance in Education is an agency of the Department of Education & Skills, with responsibility to support and develop guidance practice in all areas of education.